10 Resources to Check Out in time for Summer!

It’s May! The weather is getting warmer and we’ve pulled together a list of resources to check out as we look forward to summer.

Bike safety

The Manitoba Cycling Association website features three videos that cover important safety information, such as how a helmet should fit and the keys to sudden stops and turns (Scroll to the bottom of the page to view the videos).

Gardening Safety

Don’t let the dirt hurt!” from University of Arkansas Research and Extension illustrates several stretches to do before, during, and after gardening to reduce tightness and stiffness.

Gardening Safety is an infographic from the American Society for Surgery of the Hand that coves overall garden safety.


The Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living website includes information about Tick-Bourne Diseases in Manitoba and in general.

Water Recreation

Canadian Red Cross Swimming, Boating and Water Safety Tips cover a variety of topics from recreational water toys to hypothermia and cold water.

Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality, Third Edition from Health Canada “[…] provides guidance on the factors that can interfere with the safety of recreational waters from a human health perspective”.

Sun Safety

HealthLinkBC patient information sheets about sun safety for children and heat related illness are available in English, Chinese, Farsi, French, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese.

Melanoma and Other Skin Cancers: A guide for medical practitioners from SunSmart (Australia) summarizes Australian clinical practice guidance relating to Melanoma and Non-melanoma skin cancer.

Resource Library from Sun Safety at Work provides a variety of resources for workplace sun safety programs. Fact sheets, sample policies, legal requirements in different provinces, templates, and posters are available for various aspects of sun safety.

Seasonal Allergies

Treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis: An evidence-based focused 2017 guideline update aims to “[…]  highlight several quality improvement opportunities for clinicians in the care of AR and reduce unnecessary cost and variations in care.”

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