5 on 5: Harm Reduction

November’s 5 0n 5 came in by request! Here are 5 resources for harm reduction.

  1. BC Centre for Disease Control. Harm Reduction Clinical Resources.

“BCCDC’s Harm Reduction Services Program that provides harm reduction and overdose prevention information and resources for a diverse audience. It features support for registered harm reduction and Take Home Naloxone distribution sites, including training materials and other educational tools. It also includes topic sections on reducing harm, naloxone programs, overdose prevention and response, and working together.

This page is intended to provide clinical resources for health professionals on harm reduction and overdose prevention and response.”

2. National Harm Reduction Coalition. Resource Centre.

3. Harm Reduction Journal.

“The Harm Reduction Journal is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes research and commentary on approaches diminishing the harm of stigmatization and criminalization of public health, human rights and social justice issues. Harm Reduction Journal encourages submissions on a wide range of topics and we define harm reduction as ‘policies and programs aiming to reduce the health, social, and economic costs of a behavior without necessarily reducing the behavior itself’.”

4. First Nations Health Association.

Indigenous Harm Reduction.

Harm Reduction at the FNHA.

Harm Reduction for Health and Community Workers.

5. Alberta Health Services. Harm Reduction.

“Harm reduction refers to policies, programs and practices that aim to reduce risks and harm associated with the use of psychoactive substances. It acknowledges that abstinence is not always a realistic goal for some people. It is about meeting people where they are and identifying the goals they wish to achieve based on their individual needs and circumstances.”

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