Health Sciences Cluster: Where are we at?

January 25, 2012 at 3:50 pm

Last week, President David Barnard communicated with all University of Manitoba faculty and support staff regarding improving the university’s academic structure. In that communication, the President indicated that he had asked the VP(Academic) and Provost to work with Deans and Directors through the cluster groups, to identify viable options for reducing the number of faculties and schools from the current total of 20 to a number closer to the national mean of 13 by the year 2017.

The Health Sciences cluster currently exploring collaborations includes the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Human Ecology and Kinesiology & Recreation Management and the School of Medical Rehabilitation.

Throughout this discussion, it is important that we, as a Faculty, receive feedback from faculty members, support staff, students, alumni, our partners and other stakeholders. We want to hear your perspective, as it relates to the concept of a Health Sciences cluster, including the anticipated strengths and positive features that would be created by increased integration and a simplified academic structure, as well as any concerns.

As part of this process, the Deans and Director of the Health Sciences Cluster are starting to identify certain thematic areas where further integration among the Faculties would have obvious benefits (e.g. Research), irrespective of changes to the academic structure.

It is important to note that this is just the beginning of the process looking at the academic structure and potential options. At this stage, no decisions have yet been made, and therefore it is important to receive your input.

You can send an anonymous email through our Faculty of Medicine feedback button, send me an email or paper letter to my attention in the Dean’s Office, or drop an anonymous note in the comments box just outside of the Dean’s Office.

There will be additional opportunities to provide feedback in the future, and we will continue to communicate any developments. As noted in President Barnard’s letter, a proposal or set of options is to be developed by December 2012.

What do you think of the idea of a Health Sciences cluster?